2018-12-06 Speech On The Occasion of The 55th Speech Day(Chi version)
2017-12-07 Speech On The Occasion of The 54th Speech Day(Professor Leung Tin Wai, BBS Professor & Head of Department of Journalism and Communication Hong Kong Shue Yan University)
2017-01-06 German Culture Exchange Program (Johanna) - Honoured guests sharing
2017-01-06 German Culture Exchange Program (Henri Wieland) - Honoured guests sharing
2017-01-06 German Culture Exchange Program (Helena Hoehnke) - Honoured guests sharing
2017-01-06 German Culture Exchange Program (Emely Dedlow) - Honoured guests sharing
2016-10-14 Hong Kong Rugby Union - Robbie McRobbie
2016-01-14 Speech on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Confucius Hall
2015-08-14 Germany Exchange Program (Marlis Jana Krull) - Honoured guests sharing