本会宗旨 Our Aims:
We aim to promote students growth through enhancing communication and co-operation between parents and school.
We care about student’s academic result and morality, especially focused on cultivating students.
We share knowledge about family issues amount parents.
We encourage parents to care about children’s growth as well as participating in school activities actively.
2019-2021 年度常务委员 2019-2021 Committee Member
主席: 黎子鹏先生
副主席: 杜淡萍女士
文书: 夏西莉娅女士
活动联络: 梁婉玲女士
活动联络: 冯敏仪女士
Chairman: Dr. Lai Tsz Pang
Vice Chairman: Ms. Tou Tam Peng
Treasurer: Ms. Lai Chui Wah
Secretary: Ms. Ha Celia
Activity Organizer: Ms. Leung Yuen Ling
Activity Organizer:Ms. Fung Mun Yee
15-17 年度常务委员 15-17 Committee Member
主席: 何嘉璇女士
副主席: 谢志明先生
文书: 郭玉玲女士
稽核: 区耀宁先生
康乐: Ms. Ghale, Kirun Kumari
活动联络: 李少萍女士
活动联络: Ms. Sharma Seema
活动联络: 袁顺娣女士
Chairman: Ms. Ho Ka Yui
Vice Chairman: Mr. Tse Chi Ming
Financial Secretary: Ms. Kaur Charanjit
Secretary: Ms. Kwok Yuk Ling
Auditor: Mr. Au Yiu Ning
Recreation Officer: Ms. Ghale, Kirun Kumari
Activity Liaison Officer: Ms. Lee Siu Ping, Katharine
Activity Liaison Officer: Ms. Sharma Seema
Activity Liaison Officer: Ms. Yuen Shun Tai, Soondi
17-18 年度活动 16-17 Activities
2017-11-06 陆运会(初赛)
Sports Day (Heat)
2017-11-07 陆运会(决赛)
Sports Day (Final)
2017-11-26 家长日及家教会周年大会
1st Parents’ Day
2017-12-07 颁奖礼
Speech Day
2017-12-20 社际歌唱比赛
Inter-House Singing Contest
日期待定 家教会聚餐
Parent-Teacher Association Gathering
日期待定 亲子旅行
PTA Picnic
日期待定 家长讲座
Speech Day
通告 Notice
14-09-2017 第十七届家长教师会常务委员招募委员
18th Parent Teacher Association Committee Nomination
17-11-2017 第十七届家长教师会常务委员选举结果
Result of the Election for the 16th Parent Teacher Association Committee
花絮 Highlights
2017-06-25 家教会亲子旅行
PTA Picnic
2017-03-10 家长日EM讲座
Parents' Day Lecture
2016-12-09 第53届周年毕业暨颁奖典礼
52nd Annual Speech Day
2016-11-14 陆运会
Sports Day
2016-06-27 蒙古五天文化交流
Mongolia exchange
2016-02-28 家教会聚餐
Parent-Teacher Association Gathering
2015-12-11 第52届周年毕业暨颁奖典礼承蒙法国驻港澳总领事Mr Eric Berti莅临主礼
Mr Eric Berti Our Guest of Honour of 52nd Annual Speech Day
2015-11-06 第十六届家长教师会常务委员选举
Election for the 16th Parent Teacher Association Committee
联络方法 Contact
电话(Tel): 25763415
传真(Fax): 28828658